Return Policy -


Return Policy

User can return or replace their product within 7 days from the date of delivery. Return will be initiated within 3 working days. Damaged or torn product will not be accepted. Any fraud claim or doubtful return will not be accepted.

User can complaint about sellers or any issue related products to our customer support or email

Cancellation Policy

User can cancel their order by logging in to with your User ID and Password. Once the User logged in into his/her account and click on “My Account”. User will be able to see details of all your orders.
Locate the “Cancel” button and click on it. The order will get cancelled.

Refund Policy

When User’s order gets cancelled, Manmukh Ayurveda will initiate a refund only when the product is unused and should be in original packing along with the invoice. The refund will be initiated once the company receives the product and quality is being checked. The refund process will take 5 to 7 business days to reflect in User’s account.



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